Friday, April 4, 2008

Now its my birthday!

Last night, Zac called me to wish me a happy birthday. Since Iraq is 7 hours ahead, it was my birthday in Iraq, but still his birthday here in the states. So, for a while, while we were on the phone with each other, we shared the same birthday! How COOL is that!?! We were teasing about how we had a birthday for two days.

Zac is doing good. He sounded great. He has been getting tons of packages. He is so spoiled. He even got a package from someone he doesnt even know. (Thanks Kelly!) She is someone that is friends with my sister Amy in Knoxville.

He had a SMALL accident. Ok, I shouldnt say accident, how about a mishap.......he got his thumb slammed in an armored window......(I think that is what he called it.) But it tore his thumb nail off, half way down. He said it was bleeding everywhere. It was right before his mission, so he just bandaged it up, and would get it taken care of later. He showed his boss and TOLD him that he WAS still going on the mission. I think we was anxious to get out and start his job, after his mission got postponed twice. He said it hurt like hell. =( But it was nothing serious.

He is working out everyday, so I am glad that he has a way to blow off steam! =)

And, how adorable is my husband!?!? (scroll down to the next entry)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH OUCH! Having a nail ripped off is NO FUN!! I know this to well HURTS like a ^%$#@! I am so Glad he called U on your Birthday and his too! What a Joy. Happy Happy Birthday Zac and Lindsay, I would sing to you BUT all the Dogs in the neighborhood would howl for weeks, So better left alone :) Love You guys and Hey I see Zac is a Linoleum Lizard. That is what we called him when he would slide around on my kitchen floor.. Love you- Aunt Sheryl :) xoxo