Sunday, April 22, 2007

Well, Zac is at Atterbury for a few weeks, so I thought this would be a good time to set this up. We found out Thursday, April 19th that I am pregnant! =) Yippee!! One test wasnt enough proof so we went out and bought 2 more. All three confirmed it! When he gets back, we will probably set up our first doctor's appointment. We are just thrilled, but at the same time, its kind of bittersweet. Depending on how far along I am, he may or may not be here for the delivery, since he is getting deployed in January sometime. And of course, the whole first year, I will be playing the role of a single mom. It is really upsetting knowing that they will miss the whole first year together. But I am hoping that this blog will come in handy so he stays posted with the latest baby news and pictures.