Wednesday, June 20, 2007


We had our first ultra sound! We found out that I am only 14 weeks along, and not 16 weeks. Which put me at 10 weeks at our last appt. Oh well! Since I wasnt as far along as we thought, the ultra sound was too soon to tell the sex of the baby. We want to find out what we are having because we dont know when Zac will be leaving and we want to know! We will find out the sex at our next appt on July 19th. We will also be able to look at the organs, nasal passage and other things that wernt formed all of the way this time.

At the next appt I will also have my lab blood work done to test for spina bifida and down syndrome. Not that it matters if our baby does have it, we will love it just the same! It was an option we had, and we figured might as well. I hope its not too painful.....I HATE needles!

So, our due date it December 19th. The doctor said that of course depending on our situation with Zac's deployment, that they could induce me at 36 weeks. (they said that is full term! Can you believe that!?!?) I said NO WAY! That is way too early I think. Thats an entire month! There is still so much more growing to be done!! I would be okay with 38 weeks, but not 36. Who knows, when it comes down to it- we may not even have to worry about it. Since my last appt I have lost 2 pounds, which is no big deal. My weight fluctuates as it is, and the doctor said not to worry about it. The baby is growing and thats what is important.
Isnt our little buddy so cute!?!? We love him/ her!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Lindsay:) The day you will find out the sex of the baby is Noah's Birthday - - so I figure that may mean it is a BOY:):):) Just a thought:) Love, Aunt Anne

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! I just can't believe it :) A BABY!!!! AHHHH!!! It's so real now! :D

Anonymous said...

OMG that Baby is so real Now HUH? When you see that, U know it is a BABY!!! So so special. I get so excited just waiting to find out what "HE" Or "SHE" will be... WEEEEEEEEE!!! Congrads as always, I love You 2- Aunt Sheryl xoxo