Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Meeting with Dr Helfgott

What an awesome day!!!
Regardless the fact that the appointments were running behind (like usual) we had a great visit!! Zac was like a kid in the doctor's office- looking in the drawers and being amused with the "huge Q tips" and looking for something to play with. He was too cute! I was laughing the whole time. He can always make me laugh =)
We tried to figure out my due date since I have no clue when my last periood was. We threw around some dates, and by the size of my uterus, Dr Helfgott determined that I am 11- 12 weeks. (We will know a more exact date June 19th, when we get the ultra sound) So I am just about through my first trimester! That was super exciting, but what was more exciting was hearing our baby's heart beat!! It seemed sureal! Of course I stared to get tears in my eyes, and then I started laughing. It was the most amazing sound! I have known I was pregnant, but now after hearing that, I feel pregnant for REAL!!!

So, we figured that it would be a good time to take the first belly pic......so here I am at 11 weeks (we think) along in my pregnancy.......


Betsy King said...

You are sooooo cute!! I have been blog stalking waiting for the latest news...So what does that make your due date then so far?

Anonymous said...

COULD YOU BE ANY CUUUUUUUUTER?! I miss you so much :( I cannot WAIT for you to have that BAAAABY! Congratulations you two :)

~Aunt Bobbi :D