Monday, April 7, 2008

I received another call from Zac yesterday =)

Their mission they got back from was to Normandy (another base), which is right next to the Iranian border. He said their missions are boring (which I think is good!) I dont want them to see any action! He also said something about their windows being 4-5 inches thick. And their Humvees have ceramic plating all over them. Which is basically body armour for the trucks. That made me feel better!

He said he is the "Convy Commander," so he is in charge of the convoys. Prior to each mission he also has to do a lot of administrative work to prepare for them.

Not much new stuff to report. He loves and misses everyone.

1 comment:

Joe Woehnker said...

We love and miss him too! We pray that he stays safe. Love, Mom and Dad W.