Saturday, April 5, 2008

Command Update

Nightfighter Family,

I hope this update finds everyone doing well, all is well over here.­ We are having a very productive Transition of Authority (TOA) with our counterparts, in fact I could not be happier with how well both units are conducting themselves.­ Often times during a process like this the two units start getting on each others nerves but I think we have been moving so fast that has not been the case.­ Plus both our Task Force and the Task Force ­we are replacing are made up of professional dedicated soldiers who take their job serious and that makes a difference.­ We have been going out on missions for about a week now and the soldiers of this unit have been learning a lot and coming back safe.­ That is not to say that some missions are not more "intense" than others but overall we have encountered nothing we have not trained for or expected.­ The vehicles we are travelling in provide outstanding protection to our soldiers as well as ample firepower to deter any prolonged attacks.­ I am sure some of the families will start hearing a few stories of encounters outside the wire from their soldiers over here.­ I remind our leaders quite often that it is imperative that we limit specific communication about missions we are conducting here, it is for the safety of our soldiers.­ While we limit who has access to this site, that does not mean people are not trying to intercept what we write.­ So be careful what you email back and forth to your loved one.­ Trust that we will keep you as informed as we can throughout this deployment.­ Do not listen to rumors or spread rumors of activities over here, no one benefits from that.­.­.­ especially not the soldiers.­ If anything serious happens to any member of this Task Force we will ensure the communication is handled professionally and as quickly as mission allows.­

The 76th Brigade has invited several reporters to write about what is going on over here.­ While their information is interesting to the general public, it can sometimes be disturbing or misinterpreted by the family members.­ If you read something that does not sound in line with what you are hearing from this website feel free to ask myself or the CSM a question.­ We will answer it the best we can given the constraints we have.­ Just know that I feel very secure living on this base camp and I believe the soldiers do too.­ I will ensure that the leadership of this Task Force does not ask any soldier to do something that we will not do ourselves.­ That is why I have mandated that platoon leaders, company commanders and myself travel frequently in the convoys with the soldiers (the NCOs already are).­ We have been somewhat "tied" to the camp during this TOA process due to administrative and logistics demands, but that is about to come to and end and we will all be out and about very soon.­
In closing I feel very good about how the mission is going and how our soldiers are responding to the challenges.­ This Task Force is proving it is motivated, trained and ready to conduct any mission we are definitely living up to our motto of .­.­.­"Follow Us"


LTC Jerry Hadley
Nightfighter 6

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