He said they had moved into their rooms today. Boy, I tell you, the living conditions are SO much better this time! He went from living in a hole, and a tent, to living in a trailer.....which by the way has a window air conditioner!!!! He said it is MUCH better this time. Thank goodness. Considering what our military does for us, it is the least they could do to put them in tolerable living arrangements. =) That eases my mind tremendously! So, after a trip to the PX, their room is now equipped with a 21" tv, a dvd player and a mini fridge. His roomie is Scot Hoover. I am sure I will mention Hoover many times, so just to tell you who he is. They will be getting some rugs soon, they already bought a broom (that damn sand) and Zac said he bought tape. I thought, "ok?....tape?" but he said it was for him to tape my pictures up on the wall!
He loves me =)
He said as of now, they dont have internet capabilities unless a group of them buy some sort of satellite.....which is thousands of dollars......so he isnt sure if they will do that or not. But he also said that in July, they are supposed to be getting internet in the trailers. I am looking forward to that, because I am getting a web cam. The last I heard, they are in 4 man trailers, 2 man rooms. So, I Googled ( I love Google) the sleeping/ living arrangements for soldiers at Camp Anaconda and this is what I found. So as of now, I am assuming this is the kind of set up he is in. But, I may be TOTALLY wrong.

But, Zac sounded good. His spirits were up. He said they had talked to the guys that they were relieving, just to get the scoop on things. In a few days they will slowly start to ween them out and replacing them on their missions. I think they will start with the drivers, then the gunners, then everyone else. But a good note, Zac said that, that unit hasnt had any problems, and have NOT had any kind of casualties what so ever. So that made me feel so GOOOOOOOD!!!
His birthday is next week. And so is mine. He said he was sorry that he wouldnt be able to get me anything. SILLY BOY! I DONT care! I dont even feel like celebrating my birthday. And besides, he bought me a saphire ring when we were in Savannah. A saphire for Sery, (her birthstone) and that was my birthday present. So I told him that he already bought me my birthday present, it was just early! And his birthday presents were whatever PSP games, computer games, and movies that he wanted. So we celebrated our birthdays early. (OH, and his birthday cake!!!)
I am not going to proof this entry so I apologize for any errors! And I have no idea why the spacing is weird, but its too late to try to figure out how to fix it! Good Night!
OH Honey wow, U lucky Dog U.. That is so cool he called u at work WHAT a TREAT!! I am so thrill U share with us all, I hear things on the news and Yes I think OK is Zac ok, Then I think OK stop listening to that and wait till U hear from Lindsay. She will know and here u are Letting us all know. Makes my heart feel so much better. Thank You so much for letting us all know he is ok.. I love you- Aunt Sheryl :) xoxo
EXACTLY why I dont watch the news =)
EXACTLY why I dont watch the news =)
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