Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Here is the picture that my dad took at the ultrasound. Yes, my dad was there! =)

Since my orders are "bed rest with bathroom privileges," the ultrasounds comes to me. Which was kind of a bummer because I want to get out of the room!!!

What we were looking at on the screen was the results of the measurements, growth etc. of baby compared to what the average is right one schedule! (you can see Zac's head in the bottom right corner of the pic, and my nurse is peeking too!)

We get the other steroid shot tomorrow. I have never looked forward to shots before! haha


Betsy King said...

Yipppeee! Photos! I'm so glad you are online! You have a pretty big cheerleading squad over here on bluewater trail. Ok, there are only 3 of us, but we are cheering for baby Hackett! Grow baby grow!!!

Love ya lots!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lindsay and Zac:) I am so thankful that Lindsay and Baby Hackett are progressing well::))!!!! I'm hoping to be able to stop up and see you soon. Betsy's blog was awesome, featuring the Hackett family! What a thoughtful gesture for her to do! Take care and we are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers. Much Love, Aunt Anne and Noah

Anonymous said...

Lindsay and Zac, Thank you two for allowing me to be there for the ultrasound. It was like watching a miracle in motion. That moment will be remembered as one of the highlights of my life! Love, Dad

Lindsay said...

Zac and I have the BEST family and friends anyone could EVER ask for!!!! Thank you and we love you all!!!